Gold Envelopes. Size A-8. Standard size for all DIY invites -  Pocketfolds and Z Cards

I think I have about 90 of these. I paid $ 21.95 plus shipping. I'll take $ 15.00

Small gold envelopes to match - for response cards

I have the same amount. Paid $ 11.95 plus shipping.  I'll take $ 6.00

The following will be for sale after November 28th

All because 2 people fell in love sign. - PROMISED.

I know this one doesnt say that, but its the only pic i could find online. yes, im too lazy to take my sign out of the closest right now haha. But this is exactly what it looks like. Purchased from Target for $ 10. Will sell for $ 5.00

Jars for the candy bar

I have more jars then this that i am using, but these are the ones I am selling. Im keeping the rest :) The big one was $ 16 - ill sell i for $ 10. and the 2 on the right were $ 10 ill sell them for $ 5. I dont remember how much the bowls were!!!

BTW - If Jaime wants to use them, she is going to - and you can take them after her or buy them from me and let her use them. Friends got dibs lol